Code Club is a relaxed environment where you can learn new skills and make something you are proud of. Each week you can either:
Today we are going to look at Astro Pi and their two respective missions that you can enter!
If you are a beginner then it is recommended that you use Misson Zero, if you are advanced then have a go at Mission Space Lab
To get to the Astro Pi Page click the button below
Blast off!Use the template on the Bootham Code Club Website to create a project that asks how users are feeling and responds appropriately to them
Scratch Starter ProjectUse the BBC micro:bit to input letters to make a message. When the micro:bit shakes the speaker should play the message in morse code
Use the A and B buttons to cycle through the alphabet, confirm your selection with A+B
MakeCode EditorUse python to send secret message using a caesar cipher. Use the internet or w3schools to help with this task. Lists and Dictionaries will be helpful!
Python Editor